Sunday, February 24, 2013

Christmas 2012

We celebrated Christmas at home this year, and enjoyed having our good friends, the Valentines over.  I didn't get a picture, but the turkey almost broke our stove at 32 lbs;oP
Christmas morning

Christmas stocking
Opening her "Myrrh" gift- Zoe's Dance moves

 Loving her 2nd Myrrhh gift: a comforter Mama made her from a clearanced Target Full Size set.

Daddy opening his Myrrh gift- a pack of wipes! J/K!
Surprised! homemade Raspberry Jalapeno jam

Daddy's "Gold" gift- Taste of Home subscription
Grace's "Gold" gift- Little People Farm (scored for $8 at a consignment sale!!)

Christmas Dinner!  So fun:o)

Silly Faces
So serious

A. Valentine....soooo cute!!