Tuesday, October 26, 2010

3 months

Yes, she IS a Steelers fan!!

Gracie turned 3 months on Saturday. I can't believe how fast time is flying! Everyone said it would, but I am still shocked. Life has been so busy with a newborn...and she is not even mobile yet!! I also have decided to switch things (again!!!). I was overwhelmed when it came time to sort through all the pics I had taken over the past month. My intention was to slow down with the picture taking, but its so darn hard!! I don't want to miss a thing!! So, I decided that I would just post pics/updates as things happen (or as close as possible...hehe), after this month.

1) Gracie is now swaddle free and sleeping through the night!! She has been sleeping through the night since Oct. 6, with 2 exception nights that happened early on. By "through the night" I mean 11 1/2-12 1/2 hours! The first night it happened, I was terrified to go see her, and I also sat around for 2 1/2 hours waiting for her to wake up "any second." Also on the sleep front, Grace has figured out how to rotate herself in her sleep. It is quite hilarious!!

2) Grace found her thumb!! And now, the pacie has become obsolete...she has totally abandoned it! She only barely tolerated it, and I think it was just to hold her over til her little thumb finally came consistently in contact with her mouth. She starts sucking whenever she is tired and it is so darn cute!!!

3) New favorite "toy"?? The Bumbo!! Since Gracie-girl likes to sit on our laps looking around, I decided to try her in the Bumbo so we could interact a little more. She does such a good job!! She also likes to sit up while someone holds her hands. No rolling onto sides much or from back to belly yet. Someday!

4) We are pretty much done with 0-3 month clothing. Gracie is too long!! We tried to measure her with a dollar bill and got at least 24 inches, but we think a little more!

5) Gracie is such a happy baby who giggles and laughs about so much!! We discovered a tickle spot a few weeks ago, and they have since multiplied. It seems our little peanut is very VERY ticklish!! LOL. Her laugh is very contagious, and she does it a lot!

6) We have also found that Gracie is VERY sensitive. If she is not sure about something or we tease her or someone ignores her while she is staring intently, her lower lip starts to tremble and she gets the cutest sad look!

7) We realized while we are in Baltimore that Grace can bath without the blow-drying, so now we reserve it for when she is overtired and fussy.

8) Grace still loves her wall border friends, but has made some new real friends- The Inglins (who have babysat her twice), Alexis Mae (who is only about 4 weeks old), Luke (5 weeks older than Gracie AND her betrothed), Zachary (1 week younger than our girl), and the DiStefano children (you may remember Eve as being the one she met when she was one week old and tried to bite Gracie's face off...they have since resolved their "issues"...LOL). She has also met a few dogs, and is getting to spend lots of quality time with Aletheia- who has taught her "This little piggy" and "Patty Cake". Grace also met the Smith clan (where she received her first kiss from a boy, and was NOT happy- thankfully!!), Miss Allyson, and the Oberles (where she also learned how to play the Piano with Ang!)

9) Grace loves to stick out her tongue and chew on her toys now!! Also, she enjoys swinging, being in her bouncy seat (either watching mommy cook or to grab at her toys!), and watching Baby Bach of the Baby Einstein series. We have recently realized that we need to strap her in, as she either likes to try to catapult herself forward (and landing on her face, since she can't stay upright by herself, although she tries hard!!) or slide down/out of seats. She is also fond of talking to daddy, and staring at her beautiful butterfly mobile that mommy just new she would love.

10) We think she may be already starting to teeth, based on some extra drool, random bouts of irritation (and gnawing on mommy- which is not NICE), and lots of finger chewing!!

11) We had the child dedication at church on October 3. Aunt Kathy, Grandpa, and her cousins, Nick and Samantha joined us.

Well, I must go now, and try to get the pics upoaded before Grace wakes up from this nap!! Keep watching and I will try to send you more, more frequently!! Enjoy the other "faces of Grace" below!

Thanks for visiting!!!

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

She is darling, Amy! I love the whole collage of her laughing and that you are able to catch so many of her expressions! So very cute! I must admit, I always had a hard time NOT taking pictures! My kids have always just thought that my camera was an extra limb I was born with!
Enjoy this time with your precious little girl!