Wednesday, November 17, 2010

no camera = no pics:o(

Well, I can;t find our camera....I think it is in the car somewhere, and unfortunately, I haven't uploaded any of the pics since Grace was 3 months and 1 week:o(

We are officially done with 0-3 month clothes, and even many "3 month" sizes! 6 months look the most comfy on her, although they are a little baggy around the belly....our peanut is still a little peanut:o)
No teeth yet..but we think anyday! For the past 3 days she has been so ncredibly cranky and chewing on everything!! No fussiness this morning, but won;t let me look in her mouth....but what I could tell, it is looking red in the lower left corner!
Grace is developing a bald spot on the back of her head....momma is looking forward to when her little girl stops having old man hair!! But! The top is starting to get very long (so its spikes up! LOL)
Grace is loving to dance around and hear songs! Favorites are ABC's, Jesus Loves me, and anything else momma decides to make up on the spot!

and finally! Grace has discovered her toys when she is on her back, or sitting she tends to do a crunch like motion as she grabs them. Youngest body building competitor? Her abs feel quite strong!!!

Well, I will leave you with one picture from a month it, Gracie is mesmerized by a rainforest soother she got from her friend Jayda (aka Baby Girl;oP)

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