Monday, June 6, 2011

10 months

Grace turned 10 months 2 weeks ago, and is getting so big!!  She accomplished some milestones since the 23rd:  crawling in a very entertaining way (with one leg out to the side, and occasionally on her hands and toes), figuring out how to sit up (which she LOVES to do in her crib, and in the middle of the night- except the poor dear does not know how to lay back down on her own very well!!), and she pulled herself up in the crib just this past Saturday.  The girl is moving and shaking these days! She loves to explore and especially loves to be outside!!

We went to Weaver's Orchard for strawberry picking and our girly did a great job talking to people and eating a couple of strawberries.
Waiting patiently for another strawberry
Pure happiness!!

After drinking some tart cherry juice

sleeping sweetly after a busy morning

snuggle bug with daddy- she is getting so cuddly!!

snd now with mommy
Well, that is it for now, as I attempt to navigate through Blogger's new picture upload.  So far we are not hitting it off, but we will see.  Thanks for checking in on us and our peanut!!

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