Monday, May 28, 2012

For Hope and Aunt Donna!

Last week, I made Brian's cousin (Hope)'s cheeseburger soup- which is actually Aunt Donna's.  It was quite tasty, and Gracie certainly enjoyed it!!  I made a few changes/additions, although it also tasted great on its own- added ketchup, dry mustard and some horseradish. I also did not have sour cream, so just used a little plain yogurt.

 For your viewing pleasure, there are, of course, pictures of Grace for you!  I have also included pictures of "Princess Grace". I read on Hope's Facebook status a month ago (April 26??) that it was National Princess Day, or something to that effect, so I asked Gracie if she wanted to dress like a princess today, to which she declared, "uuhhh, yup!!" SO...I showed her what some of the options for dressing up were and then tried to get a few princessy pics:o)

On her throne!

Being silly

Oh! That's how it goes!

Tired out but looking pretty

Memorial Weekend Fun

We had a very fun weekend...we picked strawberries with our dear friends, the Harveys, and made strawberry jam (we have not yet let Grace help us make it...maybe next year....). This was our second weekend and we picked 22 lbs. Gracie did well both days that we had gone, although she really like to eat the berries more than pick them. I love when she screams "I NEED MORE STRAWBERRIES!!"

 We celebrated Memorial Day at a little shindig down the street from us at our friend and neighbors, the Cares. We crash so many of their parties:o)  Grace is constantly remembering people and their names. Of the Care's, she is especially good at remembering Jona, Wally, and "Party" (Artie..LOL!!). She really loves to hang out with them. We all had a blast. and Gracie really liked the the frozon watermelon and the grilled chix.  She also dressed in the pretty patriotic dress that Nana and Pappy bought her for Easter.


Later, we decided to fill our pool (which took a little Jimmy-rigging since we lost the air valve stoppers last year:o/), and Grace refused to sit in the cold water, but enjoyed playing with her measuring cup and pouring water on daddy, who was not playing much since it was so cold!

Hope you all have a great memorial day and remember those who serve and have served our country. is a fun pic I took of Grace. The one on the right is the original, and the one on the left is after playing around with Windows Live Photo Viewer...doesn't it look a really old picture of a great great grandma or something (minus all the plastic in the background, of course!! Hehe)


Sunday, May 27, 2012

i've been a bad blogger......

Well folks, it has been a long time:o) The main reason (outside of my sinful tendency towards laziness), is that shortly after the last post, Grace started walking full time and has not slowed down once!!!  (P.s....this was started back in obviously it is still in effect- newer updates are in blue!!)
She is approaching 18 months- or did and is now newly 22 months!!! (WHAT??!)- in just a few days, and, as her daddy pointed out after observing our pictures on the wall, "Not only does she act differently now, but WOW you can even see a huge difference in how she looks."
So, some changes for Grace:
  • Takes just 1 nap/day, instead of 2, AND she is (finally!!) sleeping 2+ hours during that nap (for a while it was just 1, which made everyone unhappy!) (ummm...until we switched her to a big girl bed 2 weeks its like 1 1/12 hours and up at 6 am....sigh. BAD BAD choice)
  • Has been walking and even running since the week she turned 15 months. Does NOT like to slow down:o)
  • she talks. A LOT. She can count to 6 -10-(mostly), and loves to chatter with you and repeat everything. EVERYTHING (ahem! YUP)
  • Still loves her diddy (did we talk about this before? It is her blankie.) We are trying to teach her that God gave her a mommy and daddy and ultimately Jesus to comfort her.
  • Loves reading her Bible, which makes us so happy. she will sit while I do my quiet time and read hers. She also recognizes adult Bibles.
  • Continues to eat well, but I think her favorite "food" is anything sweet (thanks Nana and Pappy;oP) She shocked me the other day when she knew what candy was and excitedly screamed "Cake!! Cupcake" when I made her a sausage, egg and cheese muffin.(More recently, after having 1/2 of a cupcake, declared "I NEED MORE cupcake!!!")
  • Right now she is obsessed with buckles and her baby dolls. Oh, and her play silverware. (and puzzles, duplo blocks, and markers)
  • Still has a mullet, although it is getting longer- and curly!! little less mulletty, as more hair is coming in.
  • Dances and sings....she knows how to sing the back up to Nicole C. Mullens "Witness" (yayayayaya) and Lola. She also can say "Bon Jovi" and will spontaneously raise her hands during worship at church (even when no one else is!) Does NOT like Journey (Grace basically told me to turn it off and put on Nicole C one day)- Favorite song is "Happy Day"....we sing it and she does back up:o)
  • Our girly is VERY accident prone. I think between her father and me, she did not stand a chance.
  • Loves her best friend, Noah H, and her daddy. And, all of the Maddie children.- and almost 2 month old Zoe and baby Timmy- who is a maddy, so already accounted for.
  • Really wants a brother or sister (please pray for us!) (Just today she said she wanted a baby sister.  Not a brother...sister. Daddy is trying to change her mind, I am just praying for one or the other to eventually come.....)
  • Likes to drink tea- and would drink coffee if we'd let her- always tries to snag some when we aren't looking!:O)
  • Would live outdoors if we would let her. Once pushed Noah out of the way in her attempt to get out.
  • Has learned how to snuggle very sweetly. Also, gives good kisses, and likes to take your head and hold it. (and now likes bear hugs to boot...calls them biiiig hugs)
  • Finally has a mouthful of teeth. Not all that she should, but 6 on top (including molars!), and 3 on the bottom. (eh...think she has more???  she also has become a biter- my worst nightmare, and non of the tricks I ever suggested to moms in my daycare have worked...she needs to work on the ol' temper..thank self for passing THAT trait on...)
Thanks for your patience and continual reading of our little peanuts blog.
So, because I am so behind in pics, I am going to pick 2 from each month since September.

on a date with daddy at Chikfila's Daddy- daughter night


Clumsiness evidence

best friends!!