Monday, May 28, 2012

For Hope and Aunt Donna!

Last week, I made Brian's cousin (Hope)'s cheeseburger soup- which is actually Aunt Donna's.  It was quite tasty, and Gracie certainly enjoyed it!!  I made a few changes/additions, although it also tasted great on its own- added ketchup, dry mustard and some horseradish. I also did not have sour cream, so just used a little plain yogurt.

 For your viewing pleasure, there are, of course, pictures of Grace for you!  I have also included pictures of "Princess Grace". I read on Hope's Facebook status a month ago (April 26??) that it was National Princess Day, or something to that effect, so I asked Gracie if she wanted to dress like a princess today, to which she declared, "uuhhh, yup!!" SO...I showed her what some of the options for dressing up were and then tried to get a few princessy pics:o)

On her throne!

Being silly

Oh! That's how it goes!

Tired out but looking pretty

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